I recently had a very nice surprise; a gift from Franklin Covey Malaysia - a book called "Everyday Greatness". I can't describe the feeling when I receive the book, it made me feel so valued and recognised. Though I haven't really accomplish anything spectacular, they acknowledge my effort and willing to help in my stuggle. I feel so blessed and full of gratitude for these strangers who barely know me, but are willing to help me out. That was a great day for me.

I haven't got the chance to read all of the wonderful, inspiring stories in the book. But once I do, I will try to share it in this blog so that we all can spread the greatness of living and being. Sometimes we thought we need to do big, enormous effort to touch life of others. But in actual fact, it's the little things that we do, sometimes have a big impact in so many ways.
This gift helped me in so many ways. It inspires me to keep on going, no matter how slow or painful. It is a prove that there are still good in this world despite of what we read in the paper everyday. In a way, it helps me realize my personal legend, and hopefully to pursuit it too.
Thank you Linda, Kim, Zainal for this catalyst.
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