Tuesday, 8 April 2008


This entry is dedicated to all human who are currently under grief (myself inclusive).

When we are struck with bad news, we often wail and curse God for afflicting those unbearable trials on us. Why me? Why this? Why now? Maybe we should ask all these, but not without a good, strong faith in what God has in store for us. I mean seriously, do you really think God has fun by simply putting us in misery? There must be a reason, and we need to seek out WHY.
I urge you to make time to watch the following video till the very end. If God were to take our eyesight today, would we be able to come to term with out new reality with grace as this beautiful girl? However heavy your trial is, have faith that God loves you, that is why He award you with life.
"I will do my best!" - Ye Eun, 5 year old super human being.
The lyrics from her favorite song:
"You Were Born To Be Loved"
You were born to be loved
And you are receiving that thru your life
You were born to be loved
And you are reciving that through your life
The love from God that started since
the beginning of your birth
becomes connected with us meeting each other
You were born to be loved
ANd you are reciving that through your life

1 comment:

Unknown said...

... Hi Shila, the video is awesome! Whenever we are struck with unfortunate events in our lives, it is indeed the inner strength that helps us get back on our feet. Investing time & effort to build a strong emotional life (Habit 7) is so important...