The turn out was beyond my expectation; 5 people (out of 10 who accepted the invitation). I think I did okay, could improve on both the delivery & content. But I did learn more and convinced myself even more about the effectiveness of the teaching of 7 Habits. Below are the items that I shared during the 1.5 hour meeting:
Day 1:
“What is a habit, anyway?”
“Why do I need to change my habit?”
- Common human challenges
- Our comfort zone
- Cultural Tendencies vs. Principles
- How it all started
- Outward success vs. Inward success
- Primary vs. Secondary greatness
- P/PC Balance
“So, what is 7 Habits all about?”
- Maturity Continuum
- The power of paradigm
The team decided to meet up on weekly basis to go thru each habit one by one. We will start each sharing with a 20 min sharing session of struggle & success stories of trying the principles. Then I will spend the next 30 minutes sharing the following habit. We'll close the session with a new challange for the new habit we're learning.
To be completely honest, I am not too sure how this sharing session will sustain. In the end, if I can only catch one person and help him/her to internalize any of the 7 Habits, then I've achieved my goal. Since while preparing all these, I have truly gain a lot more insight and motivation to really live by the principles and realize my Mission Statement. In the end, I merely help myself more when I help others.
To the participants, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
a good start. thumbs up!
ohh.. one more thing.. ur pretty :)
Hi Minci dearie,
Thank you for your encouragement and support, as always.
Gosh! you put a smile on my face today with that compliment. Thank you! A woman needs to hear that every now and then. It helps boost our self-esteem...;-p
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