I decided to start sharing these stuffs with someone who have interest to change as well. Tried it with my husband, but as usual I failed to catch his interest or attention. Trying to shift my paradigm (by stop blaming him), I guess I should blame it on my approach. But I don't know what approach would be effective. To be safe I better stick to my approach, but with different people. Maybe I'll start with my colleagues. I have sent out an invitation to my closest 10 colleagues for a lunch get-together next week to share what I've learned at 7 Habits. So far all of them accepted, let's see next week how many would actually turn up, and how many would actually value the things I'm about to share.
If that doesn't work either, I guess I better change oil again...
Hi Shila!
It is wonderful of you to share your 7 habits journey. I too feel the same way and I have been sharing it with my team and they love it. I wished that I had had the opportunity to learn it earlier in Motorola (not when I'm about to leave... he he he!). I love it and I think it is very pertinent to life and to succeed.
The best part is the mission statement, I will share that with you later.
Later Aligator!
kak shila.. this is very interesting.. I hope I could learn from you as well (through reading your blog) as you make your journey.
I wish you all the best.. the kickstart mission statement sounds promising.I will wait for the legacy your children will leave one day ;)
Hi Min & Wiling,
Thank you both for your words of encouragement. It sure does help a lot to have such support from dear friends.
see you at the top!,
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