Monday, 17 December 2007
Trying time

Wednesday, 26 September 2007
When an adult is a child, and a child is an adult
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Mission Completion
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Habit 3: Put 1st Things 1st
Day 3:
• See-Do-Get
• Big Rocks
• Compass vs. Clock
• Time Management Matrix
• “How to keep little things, little?”
• How To Plan the Week
• Challenge of the week
Friday, 20 July 2007
Group 1, Day 3, Habit 2
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
My Catalyst

Thursday, 5 July 2007
Dealing With Demotivated Supplier

Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Group 1, Day 2, Habit 1

• See-Do-Get
• Forest Gump vs. Lt. Dan Taylor
• Victor E. Frankl
• “How to be proactive?”
- Choose proactive response
- Use proactive language
- Expand your Circle of Influence
- Becoming the transition person
• Review See-Do-Get
• Challenge of the week (from the 7 Habit book)

Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Group 1, Day 1

Day 1:
“What is a habit, anyway?”
“Why do I need to change my habit?”
- Common human challenges
- Our comfort zone
- Cultural Tendencies vs. Principles
- How it all started
- Outward success vs. Inward success
- Primary vs. Secondary greatness
- P/PC Balance
“So, what is 7 Habits all about?”
- Maturity Continuum
- The power of paradigm
Monday, 25 June 2007
Our Family Mission Statement

- To learn, love & laugh together EVERYDAY
- To use MAGIC words (Please, Thank you & I'm Sorry) generously
- To fill a NEED, when there's a need
My son said it's a piece of cake for the first 2 missions, but having trouble with mission 3. I borrowed that phrase from "The Robots" movie where Mr.Bigweld uses it to encourage fellow robots to be inventive (find a problem and create a solution for it). So I guess my son was afraid that he might need to invent a new thing to help others. I told him he need not be afraid to fill in a big need. Showed him some examples of how he can in fact fill a need without an invention. For example, offer to help carry things for others, or help by playing with his little sis to keep her occupied while mummy is cooking, or help close the window when it gets too chilly. He was less apprehansive once I shared all these kind of small things he can do, to fill a need. No fancy invention is needed. Immediately he agreed, and put his signature & tumbprint of the printout of our Family Mission Statement.
Another wonderful thing is that, everynight before the children go to bed, they make a check on all three missions, whether or not each of us have fullfill them. Once everybody have shared how they fullfilled each mission for the day, we all feel very proud of ourselves and declared it a day. That's when the kids will pull over their blanket and sleep. Isn't that wonderful? And yes, we had to use the Talking Stick to give each other the chance to share their stories....Thank God I have only 2 children so far!
Friday, 22 June 2007
How It All Started

My Kickstart Mission Statement
Mission Statement is a written permission to do what is most IMPORTANT & most EXCITING to YOU, and to do what is MOST YOU. I had trouble writing my Mission Statement, so I decided to try the Mission Builder on FranklinCovey.com. They asked many intermate questions, which you have to answer within a limited time, since we need answers which comes straight from the heart, not the head. There is no wrong or right answer since everyone is build with diferrent sets of value and priorities.
One of the questions really hit me big. I put on Tchaikovsky piece "A time for us" (click above) to avoid the distraction from surrounding. The questions asked "When was the last time you were happy and excited about what you were doing. Describe where, what and who was there with you". My autobiographical response to this question was " I was backhome at my parents' place. There were mom, dad, my kids, my hubby, my brothers & their families. We were in the garden, fooling around, doing nothing particularly important.I remember laughing till my belly hurt to the joke dad was making with his grandchildren"
It hit me that no material possesion was in that picture - not my dream bungalow, no fancy car, no mention of how much I earn, what position I hold in a company. Just surrounded by people I hold close to my heart, enjoying each other's company.
In the end, I managed to complete my 1st draft of my Kickstart Mission Statement:
> I will honor my commitment in all of my roles
> I will make sure my children help to make the world a better place
> I will make sure my children leave a legacy
> I will learn, re-learn and un-learn daily
> I will have fun in all the things I do
> I will put God first, always
> I will never let anybody take away my freedom of being me
> I will earn teh trust of my loved ones
> I will be responsible for what I do and don't do, for what I say and don't say
> I will pursue my passion wholeheartedly, without holding back
> I will be happy in everything I do
> I will not do unto others, what I don't want to be done to me
> I will try to emulate Ghandi, to the best of my ability
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Day 0: The Beginning
- remind myself of how I started, how I travel and stumble, and hopefully how I succeed
- prevent the internal inferno od passion from burning out
- share with others that might going thru the same thing as I do